ascending colon

美 [əˈsendɪŋ ˈkoʊlən]英 [əˈsendɪŋ ˈkəʊlən]
  • 升结肠;上行结肠
ascending colonascending colon


the part of the large intestine that ascends from the cecum to the transverse colon


  1. The distribution was the most in the ascending colon , transverse colon , descending colon .


  2. Results : Ascending colon and descending colon are relatively fixed in lateral abdomen .


  3. Myoma of uterus combines free ascending colon and appenditis : a case report


  4. The involved parts are rectum , sigmoid , cecum and ascending colon .


  5. Of 6 cases with obstruction at ascending colon or hepatic flexure , 5 demonstrated blind loop syndrome .


  6. Frequency and amplitude at ascending colon of model group obviously increased ( P < 0.05 or P < 0.01 ), variation coefficient increased .


  7. Ascending colon autonomic nerve tumor


  8. At the same time , the abnormal location of cecum , appendix and ascending colon can also be seen .


  9. Conclusion The coating could protect the drug until the tablets reached the ascending colon , where drug was released slowly for over 10 h.


  10. Results : The mortality of descending and ascending colon cancer treated by one stage resection and anastomosis were 31.25 % vs 20.00 % ;


  11. And another case of carcinoma of ascending colon with metastasis of spleen and liver was treated by chemotherapy alone who died 6 months after treatment .


  12. Metastasis usually takes place in the advanced stage and cecum , ascending colon and ampulla recti are the parts often involved .


  13. The coated tablet starts to release drug in ascending colon and remain in colon for 6 ~ 7 h after taking orally .


  14. A 2-year-old boy who used to consume brewer 's yeast with multiple perforation of the ascending colon was successfully treated after surgery .


  15. The distribution was the most in the ascending colon , transverse colon , descending colon . Longan trees can be kept in bearing for many years .


  16. The average SUV of ascending colon , transverse colon and rectum in patients received oral contrast agent was significantly higher than that of control group ( P0.05 ) .


  17. There were 2 cases of cecum cancer , 4 cases of ascending colon cancer , 13 cases of sigmoid colon cancer , and 21 cases of rectum cancer .


  18. CONCLUSIONS : The prevalence of bright red linear markings ( cat scratch colon ) in the cecum and ascending colon is0.25 % .


  19. Conclusion The part of cecum and ascending colon were fixed with the method of staircase peritoneopexy , which accords with the demands of normal dissection .


  20. Rectum , sigmoid colon and left colon were most often involved in UC , while cecum ascending colon and right colon were most often involved in CD .


  21. There were masses with miscellany density in the right lower quadrant of the abdomen with the bowel wall of cecum and ascending colon thickened in 3 cases .


  22. Methods The origins and types of the arteries of ileocecum and ascending colon and the relation between the length of intestines and the blood vessels were observed on 50 adult cadaver specimens .


  23. In the initial segment of the ascending colon some processes of positive neurons were found to project to the other positive neuron cell bodies to form aU-shaped neuronal circuit and others to negative neuron cell bodies .


  24. Main indicators : The number and ratio of lesions located in left colon ( rectum , sigmoid , decending colon ), transverse colon , right colon ( ileocecal junction , ascending colon ) .


  25. Methods Analysis of CT manifestations in 23 cases proved by operation and needle aspiration . Causes : acute appendicitis 13 cases , ascending colon perforation 1 case , Meckel diverticulitis 2 cases , cause obscured 7 cases .


  26. The number of MCs in the terminal ileum , ICJ , and the ascending colon was significantly elevated in IBS ( P < 0.01 ), and the MCs in IBS had great variations .


  27. Results The number of MCs in the terminal ileum , ileocecal junction , and ascending colon was significantly elevated in IBS ( P 0 . 01 ) , and MCs in IBS have prominent variations .


  28. In the four multiple tumor cases , two (( 2.4 % )) were double primary tumors which were ascending colon adenocarcinoma and lung squamous-cell cancer . One case recurred postoperatively . Conclusions Most of the retroperitoneal schwannomas were benign .


  29. Seven days later , the first batch of rabbits is executed . Open the abdominal and observe the macroscopic classification of adhesion . Then take the front wall of ascending colon and the adhesion organization in the pathologic observation . 2 .


  30. The results showed that in the myenteric plexuses 24 % of positive neurons existed in the caecum , 20.1 % in the ascending colon , 27.9 % in the descending colon and 19.4 % in the rectum .
